
SEO Winterthur

Unser erfolgreiches SEO, abgestimmt auf Ihren Standort in Winterthur, setzt auf eine Steigerung der Klickzahlen durch potentielle Kaufinteressenten an Ihren Produkten und Dienstleistungen. Die direkte Korrelation zwischen relevantem Traffic durch regionale User und Anfragen, die in erfolgreichen Verkäufen enden, ist nicht zu leugnen.



Why search engine optimization for Lucerne-based companies is so important for you

Professional search engine optimization is important to permanently get more customers and prospects to your website. Many companies within Switzerland do not yet rely on this instrument to be successful on the Internet. In cities such as Lucerne, you can use SEO to quickly set yourself apart from the competition. You can attract visitors with SEO throughout Switzerland and the entire German-speaking world. As a company in Lucerne, you can use SEO to expand your reach and win customers across national borders. For more evidence of the benefits of SEO for businesses, check out the 4 statistics below! They illustrate the effectiveness of search engine optimization for businesses in numbers, because numbers speak for themselves!


aller Aktivitäten im Internet beginnen mit einer Suche


der Nutzer klicken nur auf die Suchergebnisse der ersten Seite


der Nutzer ignorieren bezahlte Google AdWords-Anzeigen

Verteilung der Klickwahrscheinlichkeit von Position 1 bis 10 in Google:

  • Platz 1 59.59% 59.59%
  • Platz 2 15.82% 15.82%
  • Platz 3 7.92% 7.92%
  • Platz 4 5,11% 5,11%
  • Platz 5 3,41% 3,41%
  • Platz 6 2,39% 2,39%
  • Platz 7 1,75% 1,75%
  • Platz 8 1,33% 1,33%
  • Platz 9 1,03% 1,03%
  • Platz 10 0,73% 0,73%

Hier finden Sie die Quellen dieser Statistiken

4 steps to the optimal SEO for your business from Lucerne and surroundings

Search engine optimization follows a clearly defined pattern, which we as SEO agency for Lucerne always adhere to. Read about the four steps in which we will sustainably advance the company if you trust us.


Erste SEO Beratung 
We always offer you an initial consultation to get to know us. This is the basis for every further step. We introduce our SEO agency to you and we get to know each other. You tell us your goals that you want to achieve with our help. Because only if we understand these goals, we can determine the necessary SEO measures.


Analyse Ihrer Website
After the first meeting we start with the analysis of your site. We examine the existing optimization potential and where it is already well positioned. For this we use professional SEO tools. During the analysis we determine where quick successes can be achieved with little effort.



Professional keyword research is the basis for further optimization of a website. As an SEO agency for Lucerne, we have a lot of experience in researching suitable keywords. This site for example ranks for terms like SEO Lucerne, SEO Agency Lucerne, Search Engine Optimization Lucerne and other terms from the same pool of keywords.

Onpage optimization is very versatile. Due to many years of experience as an SEO agency for the area around Lucerne, we know our way around very well. For search engines it is relevant that the keywords are correctly integrated in the headlines and texts of a website. We take care of the onpage-optimization of your site such as linking and the correct formulation of Google snippets, which increase the ranking of your site

Offpage optimization is the building of links for a website. Link building is a particularly important part of search engine optimization. The more relevant high-quality links you receive from other websites, the more important your website is for the search engine Google and Co. As SEO agency for Lucerne, we only build relevant links for you. For this purpose, potential link sources are intensively analysed especially for you!

That is why you should rely on our SEO agency for Lucerne

We are the right partner for you, because we always take into account local conditions and special challenges of your company, for which we like to work. Read below what we can offer you to make your website more successful in the long term.

Investmentorientiertes SEO

A search engine optimization, which does not only serve the purpose to lead more visitors to your website, is our ambition! As a professional SEO agency for Lucerne, we are focused on economic goals. We optimize your website so that it gets lucrative traffic and generates turnover for you. This will increase your online sales and contract conclusions. We calculate in such a way that even a few new orders or sales pay off your investment.

Richtige Betreuung
All companies are unique. We therefore tailor our support to your company individually. As an experienced SEO agency for the Lucerne area, we look after both small and medium-sized companies according to their special requirements. But we also help corporations with our tailor-made concept for more visibility on the search engines Google and Co.

Volle Transparenz
As a serious SEO agency for Lucerne, we attach great importance to maximum transparency for clients. We regularly provide our clients with easy-to-understand reports on the measures taken and the successes achieved. These reports help you to inform your colleagues about the new success of the SEO measures.

Vollumfängliches digitales Marketing

Besides SEO, we also cover other core fields in digital marketing. We also implement SEA measures for you, which means that you will also rank in the top ranks in paid searches. Our knowledge in the field of web design and the associated conversion optimization is also extensive. You can book all our services individually or order the entire digital marketing package.

Breite Expertise
We are constantly educating ourselves further, as search engine optimization is subject to rapid changes and we want to stay up-to-date on all levels. We are a part of many SEO groups in Lucerne and the surrounding area. We attend SEO conferences on a regular basis, thus ensuring that we provide our clients with professional advice and that we directly use the new SEO trends for them.

Volle Freiheit
With us you get flexible contracts. As an experienced SEO agency for the area around Lucerne, we want to score with a good job. You can conclude various contracts with us, these can be terminated monthly, depending on the contract. In doing so, we are guided entirely by your needs and wishes. You enjoy complete freedom and are not bound by a rigid contract.


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Our SEO agency for Lucerne brings you new clients

With SEO measures, you can tap into a new pool of customers. Otherwise they would never have discovered your site. Only by optimizing your site for new relevant keywords will you find a number of new visitors from other subject areas, but which are interesting for your product.

We will also strengthen the keywords for the core topics of your site in such a way that you will quickly stand out from the competition and attract a larger number of visitors to your website through higher rankings. We always consider your wishes. Whether you want to open up a new age group, more women or predominantly men for a product. We can optimize in such a way that you get a larger number of customers from a certain target group!

With SEO Lucerne you look positively into the future

Together with our SEO agency for Lucerne you can strengthen your own business and thus look positively and excitedly into the future. We offer you a sustainable optimization that leads to better results in search engines. With the same enthusiasm we optimize not only on the SEO level, but also in our web design.

Because a well optimized website increases your SEO success and at the same time the satisfaction of the website visitors. We also offer you a combination of SEO and SEA measures. The interaction of SEO and SEA with the site designed by us and optimized for conversions offers you excellent opportunities for sustainable success in the digital sector.

Sustainable results through our SEO agency for Lucerne

Our main concern is the sustainability of your success in all search engines. We invest a lot of time and knowledge in sustainable search engine optimization to be able to offer you an optimal concept. Due to the reports you are always informed how the implemented optimization affects visitor numbers. You will also notice this in your sales figures.

IMS Internet Marketing Services ist das Agenturlabel von MP Marketing 


+49 1573 514 5334

Neckarsteinacher Strasse 37, 69250 Schönau

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