
SEO Winterthur

Unser erfolgreiches SEO, abgestimmt auf Ihren Standort in Winterthur, setzt auf eine Steigerung der Klickzahlen durch potentielle Kaufinteressenten an Ihren Produkten und Dienstleistungen. Die direkte Korrelation zwischen relevantem Traffic durch regionale User und Anfragen, die in erfolgreichen Verkäufen enden, ist nicht zu leugnen.



Unser Webdesign ist sogar interaktiv. Fahren Sie mit der Maus über die sich bewegenden Linien des nächsten Abschnitts. 🙂

Unser Webdesign ist sogar interaktiv. Tippen Sie mit Ihrem Finger auf die sich bewegenden Linien des nächsten Abschnitts. 🙂

Why is good responsive web design important for your business in Basel?

We live in a fast moving time. Especially on the internet and in cities like Basel, customers are used to finding what they are looking for immediately. The decision as to whether they like a website and will stay there or switch to that of a competitor is made by the customer within the first 150 milliseconds after clicking on it. If it has not yet finished loading, in most cases it is already too late. Responsive web design by a professional web designer ensures that your website not only completely meets the taste of your customers in the Basel area, but also loads quickly and is easy to use.

How does web design work for Basel?

A systematic approach according to a clear procedure facilitates cooperation and increases effectiveness. As a professional web design agency for Basel, we therefore always proceed according to plan


The first thing we do is to provide comprehensive advice. In this phase we take the time to get to know you and your company and familiarize ourselves with your goals. We consider which customers you want to appeal to through your web design and which measures will particularly appeal to them.


During the subsequent implementation we apply these measures to your website and improve its performance. Since our web designers also have great experience in the SEO area, they always take into account the recognition of your website by search engines. This leads to more potential customers finding your newly designed website.


Finally, we carry out a comprehensive analysis. In doing so, we check the result of our services and determine whether it is really effective all around or whether further improvements are necessary to optimally align your web design for Basel. We will make appropriate changes and reworking.

Our services as web design agency for Basel

As a true professional web designer specializing in the Basel area, we offer you services tailored to your home region, which include all elements of good web design.

Corporate Identity/Logodesign

The corporate identity ensures a uniform appearance and the recognizability of your website and your company. We make sure that the web design reflects your company colours, presents your company logo clearly visible and also complies with other uniform formal requirements of your company. If you have not yet decided on this, we will be happy to advise you on the creation.


The texts on your website should address your customers and at the same time advertise your services and products. Our copywriters will make sure that the right choice of words is used to suit the tastes of your customers from Basel. Our web designers place the texts so that they attract the attention of your customers and are read by them.


Through search engine optimization, abbreviated SEO, we make sure that your website is better recognized by search engines and displayed in a higher position. The right keywords in the texts we create will result in your site corresponding to more search queries from customers in the Basel area and being seen more often.


With search engine marketing, or SEA, we ensure that your website is advertised on search engines in a targeted manner. In this way, your advertising reaches exactly those customers in the Basel area who are currently looking for the services or products you offer. The customers are directed to your site and are convinced by your web design.

Webentwicklung & Web Design STADT

Web development is the creation of the necessary software and applications for your website. It ensures that your site loads quickly, offers the right opportunities and reacts quickly. Web design, on the other hand, deals with the layout and, above all, ensures that the page looks good.


Gladly we rent you also additionally the necessary webspace for your website on our server. So you get all services you need around your website from one source. You don’t have to deal with many different partners, but can contact us directly with all web concerns.

Eine Auswahl an erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Projekten:

Why we are the right web design agency for companies from the Basel area

We are not only experts in web design and the Basel region, but also a reliable partner who can offer you tailor-made services for your professional internet presence. We know the wishes, preferences and needs of the internet users in your region and adapt our services specifically to them. At the same time we take the time to get to know you and your company and take your strengths and weaknesses into account when creating your individual web design.

Verkaufsorientiertes Design

It is not enough if your site simply pleases the visitors. In order to be really economically viable, it must also increase your sales. Thanks to our background in the SEO field, we have the necessary experience to adjust your web design for Basel in such a way that it encourages website visitors to buy.


Kein Schnick-Schnack

Elaborate animations and unusual functions make a website look striking, but they require very complicated codes and design elements. These slow down the loading of your website and cause potential customers to leave it out of impatience and choose another provider. Our web design is therefore deliberately simple and effective.

Starker Partner

We have extensive experience in working with companies of all sizes. No matter whether you are a one-man business, a small or medium-sized company or even a large corporation: We know the special demands you make on web design and offer you tailor-made solutions at eye level.

IMS Internet Marketing Services ist das Agenturlabel von MP Marketing 


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Neckarsteinacher Strasse 37, 69250 Schönau

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